Hello! I am Arne Maes. In my free time I develop websites/software
ProjectsLike what you see?
The Projects are free to use/play so why don't go to a project page and download it.
Report Bugs
If you notice any bugs in a project, you can report them here as well. Just go to the contact page and tell me what the bug is.
If you think some project absolutely needs an extra feature. You can submit it through the contact form. I will do my best to add it.
Every game needs to have a great community. I read every comment given via the website or google play. By doing that I hope to get as much of your own input in the games/projects. I'm still a student so updates will probably be a bit on the slow side.
If you would like to support the game and me, you don't need to donate money or something. You can help by just playing the game or/and giving the game 5 stars on google play. And maybe watching some ads :) .
The amazing people that helped in some of the projects

Hello! I am DhrMaes. In my free time I develop websites/software.