by dhrmaesDescription
DiscDodger is a game about a circle, who has been trapped by the evil squares. You're goal is to try and survive as long as possible and while you're playing try to grab the green coins.
It's available on the Google Play Store, as an early acces game. To get acces you can become a bète-tester by clicking the link under the pictures.
DiscDodger! is downloadable through the Google Play store, People on iOS will have to wait for now. It's still in bèta, but you can already play by signing up for the bèta program.
You can play a small preview of the game in your browser. If you're watching this on a mobile device, it's better to download the app to play.
Because it's a preview the scores do not count for the leaderboaed, if you want to be on the leaderboard you'll have to download the app.
Best players
These 3 people are the best DiscDodger players in the world!

Best player
- Highscore:

Second best player
- Highscore:

third best player
- Highscore: